Monday, October 14, 2013

Darjeeling 2013

This year I spent most of my time in Darjeeling (aka Dorje Ling) gazing at the mountains.
view from our hotel

Of course being Darjeeling's most famous product we learned a lot about tea, well lets say heard a lot about tea as now when I try to remember what was said all I can remember is how different it tastes & smells when picked in the different seasons.  Perhaps I was still a bit dazed from too much gazing at the mountains.

Tea pickers 

Darjeeling has an interesting mix of old Anglo-India buildings and the new Indian fashion of square cement boxes. 

Now we move on to Pelling, a small village in Sikkim ... much closer to those magical mountains

1 comment:

  1. What a range of are likely being hypnotized by them!
